Episode tracking
Get that satisfying feeling of completion as you tick off episodes when you watch them. Always know what you've got to watch next, and what platform you're watching it on.
Season 9
Season 9 Episode 4
The one with the sharks
Season 9 Episode 5
The one with Phoebe's birthday dinner
Maintain lists of what shows your watching, what you've finished, and what you want to watch next. Profiles help you keep everything nicely organized, and allow you to share what you're watching with your friends.
Ted Mosby
We get all our TV show data from TMDB. They have an extensive database of tv shows, so anything you're watching, we've got it. Can't find something you’re looking for? TMDB is run by the community, so you can make the edit there yourself, and it'll show up right here on UpNxt!
TV shows
That's over 3 million
Total episodes
All the data you enter to UpNxt is yours, and you're free to control it as you please. You can export your data in the settings page and take it with you, or request we delete all your data, at any time. It's your data, so you should be able to do what you want with it.
It's free. No joke.
UpNxt is free to use to track up to 100 tv shows! Want to track more shows or get access to more cool features? Check out UpNxt Pro.
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